Friday, September 28
I needed to do some grocery shopping so I decided to combine it with lunch.
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I took the 22 up to Mission and walked to 18th to Yamo and had a very tasty lunch: Mixed veggies with tofu and noodles - 5.25 . Using the bus transfer I was issued I then caught the 22 heading back my way, got off at Potrero Heights shopping plaza, got some essentials at the Safeway - beer, milk, cereal, and whole wheat fig bars. I then caught the 22 again and was back home in minutes.
So, for $1.50 in bus fair I was able to cover a good bit of ground and make several stops as well. A good deal in my book.

The main event that day was the Critical Mass Ride at 6:00. This was the 15th birthday of CM and lots of riders were expected, and indeed, it was estimated over 1000 riders showed up.
This fellow was riding his bike named Rawhide.

Lots of work went into this bike to make it a rolling work of art.

Be sure to click on this image (and all others) to get more detail.

The Press was well represented at the event and they all wanted to talk to this guy. "What does Critical Mass mean to you?"

Waiting for the ride to get started. Although the route is generally not know until the ride begins it always starts and ends at the same place - Justin Hermann Plaza on the Embarcadero at the foot of Market Street.

Since I have been here I have seen riders of all ages, shapes and sizes on all kinds of bikes. This young lady typified the urban rider to me. Clunky, but sturdy mountain bike, complete with pilfered milk crate for a carry-all.

What a great smile!

This gal was very proud of her bike. She said she "built it herself". She had just moved to SF from Pittsburg, Pa and had not yet been through a San Fran Winter.

I stopped and asked the guy why his bike was covered in tape. He said it was to make it look funky and disguise the brand and thus, hopefully make it less desirable to all the bike thieves in this town. He had just moved here from Brooklyn.

A toast to Critical Mass!

As I said, all kinds of riders.

Some folks took the opportunity to dress up.

Bikes, bikes, everywhere.

This custom made bike had a skate board for a rear rack platform.

Yours truly and my Bike Friday.

I think she was trying to be scary - didn't work.

The crown starts to thicken as blast off time approaches.

This fellow and I got into a conversation because we both had folding bikes.
He had just moved to SF from North Carolina. He said he rally missed the Appalachian Mountains.

This Blue Babe was a Greenie handing out eco lit.

Who woulda thunk it!?
This guy had a gas burner attached to his handle bars along with S'more supplies.

Father and son.

Always a line at the bathroom.

The whole family was out "Cycling against oil wars."

And off we go!

It took me a while to realize this was real!

Another interesting, custom made bike.

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

The ride route was down the Embarcadero (east) and then a turn back to the plaza.

The Bay Bridge, clotted with cars, made and interesting backdrop.
I rode back to the plaza and a few blocks up Market Street with the gang and then headed back home. I had no lights or flasher and did not want to be on the street past dark. Fun ride.
Day 10 - FINIS