Saturday, January 24

Back in November when I was thinking about some place to escape the winter weather for few weeks I had pretty much decided to hop in the wagon and head south to Florida. Bit i changed my plans after seeing a newspaper article about how air fairs were dropping.

So, I decided to start some surfing and look at some destinations and prices. Noting piqued my interest until I saw the prices for round trips tickets to San Antonio: 100 bucks!

When I saw this I immediately emailed my buddy Geary in San Antonio about coming out for a visit. After some email exchanges and home discussion he said "Come on out!". So, I bought my ticket. Departure was January 24th and the return will be February the 21st. Nearly a month. It's nice to have such a accommodating friends and tolerant wife. I be lucky!

This is my third trip to Texas, the first being in 2005, the year of my original Epic Road Trip.

I returned again in April of 2008 that time driving a meandering route through Tennessee, Arkansas and Oklahoma. I saw some very out of the way places on that trip as I drove mostly secondary roadways. I have yet to get any photos of that trip webulized. The only pics I got up were the Mexico Sampler.

So, here is the start of trip 3 to Texas. There will be more photos and commentary than most will want to read, but, I enjoy doing it and always learn a bit in the process.

By using the navigation to the left you can jump to any of the reports as well as check the side by side weather forecast for San Antonio and Morgantown.


Click on these photos for a higher resolution.
Will be slow with dial-up connection.


This shot is of downtown Memphis and the Mississippi River.

I took a number of shots from the airplane but the window was so streaked and smeared most were a mess.


San Antonio airport.

Who woulda thunk it!? A huge vending machine for Ipods and accessories.


My first "meal" on this trip: leftover wings from Hooters.


I ate the wings on the run as Geary and I no sooner got back from the airport than we dashed out the door to Altex computers and electronics. Geary has some motherboard RAM he needed to return and we wanted to get there before closing time.

I had never been to such a large 'puter shop with such a huge inventory. It was like being a kid in a candy store for me.


Next stop, HEB.

Why did I take this picture? The young lady here was giving out free samples of low cal Miller Lite. Only 65 calories per can. Now one can drink more and get less!

I had never seen free samples of booze be hawked before and I thought it rather odd. Even more odd were the giant can cozies they were giving away.


Meal number two! A spicy sushi assortment from HEB washed down with a coupla bottles of Shiner Boch. Tasty, but not any better than what one would expect for SuperMarketSushi.

That evening Geary, Sue and Aspen and I chilled, shot the breeze a watched the movie "I am Legend".

The main character, Robert Neville is placed by Will Smith. Smith delivers a typically shallow performance with poor character development - his trademark.

I Am Legend is a 1954 science fiction/horror novel by Richard Matheson about the last man alive in Los Angeles. It is notable as influential on the developing modern vampire genre as well as the zombie genre, in popularizing the concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to disease, and in exploring the notion of vampirism as a disease. The novel was a success and was adapted to film as The Last Man on Earth in 1964, as The Omega Man in 1971, and again in 2007 as both I Am Legend and I Am Omega.

Source: WikiPedia

After the movie we yakked some more and soon it was 10:30 CT - 11:30 for me. This made for a long day as I had been up and rolling since 5:OO am.
I said my good nights and was off to bed and a good nights sleep.


Day 1 - FINIS


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