African Development Bank

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The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a development bank established in 1964 with the intention of promoting economic and social development in Africa.

It has 77 member countries from around the world.

African Development Bank

A.D.B. Group in Brief (AfDB)

ADB Authrorized capital : UA 21.87 billion (US$ 33 billion)

ADF X Replenishment : UA 3.7 billion (US$ 5.6 billion)

Funded operations (1967-2004) : 3.007

Total commitments (1967-2004) : UA 34 billion (US$ 53 billion)

Group Entities - The African Development Bank Group is a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations (member countries) from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia. Headquartered in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

History - The African Development Bank (ADB) is a regional multilateral development finance institution established in 1964 and engaged in mobilising resources towards the economic and social progress of its Regional Member Countries (RMCs).

Operations - The African Development Bank is the premier financial development institution of Africa, dedicated to combating poverty and improving the lives of people of the continent and engaged in the task of mobilizing resources towards the economic and social progress of its Regional Member Countries.The Bank's mission is to promote economic and social development through loans, equity investments, and technical assistance.

The Group Strategy - In May 1999, the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank Group adopted the Vision of the African Development Bank: A Re-Invigorated Bank: an Agenda for Moving Forward. This Vision, a product of extensive consultations with all of the Bank's stakeholders on its mission stance, sets out the long-term strategic focus for the Bank

The Organization - The present Organization of the Bank is based on the reorganization of the Bank undertaken in 2001 and takes into account the different adjustments made hereafter. This describes the functions and responsibilities of the Bank's Organizational Units and its standing Committees.

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