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The Friends of Jackson Square...

Photo of Upper Pontalba
Pontalba Apartments

was established in 1986 to preserve and protect the historical buildings in the vicinity of Jackson Square, and the traditional quality of life that they enhance. Its members are residents, merchants and artists from the Jackson Square area and the Vieux Carre (French Quarter), New Orleans and interested individuals from Louisiana and other cities and states.

The Neighborhood

Looking across Jackson Square from the Mississippi River, you see the St. Louis Cathedral, Cabildo and Presbytere. On either side are the Pontalba Apartments. This has been the heart of New Orleans since its founding in 1718.

Inside the Square, surrounding a statue of Gen. Andrew Jackson, are benches and gardens, where you can sit and enjoy the charm of these historic buildings. Outside of Jackson Square, you can watch artists painting and sketching portraits, hanging their artwork on the fence, as they have done everyday for over 50 years.

The Pontalba Apartments is home for unique shops and restaurants, while the floors above are occupied by local residents, just as they have been since 1850's when the apartments were built by the Baroness.


We intend that this site be an effective communications tool, reporting on these issues and their status.


News and Announcements
News and announcements on issues and events related to the Jackson Square neighborhood.

Links to Other Sites
A list of other Internet resources relevant to Jackson Square, The Vieux Carre and New Orleans.

Membership is $25.00 per year. Information may be obtained from:

Mr. Lee Tucker, President _____Phone: 504-522-8578
506 C St. Peter St., New Orleans, LA 70116

Copyright 1996 - 2002 Friends of Jackson Square
Website by SBeckArt